Raiden on Private Network Tutorial


This tutorial shows how to run Raiden on a private network, using the master branch (this is useful when you are working on a pull-request). This tutorial assumes Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS and bash.

Creating a Virtual Environment

In a shell, run

$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
$ mkdir priv_chain

If mkdir fails, choose a different name, or move the existing priv_chain directory to somewhere else.

$ cd priv_chain
$ virtualenv -p python3.7 env
$ source env/bin/activate

You should now be in the virtual environment, where all Python package installations are separately managed.

Now the command prompt should look like:

(env) $

Install Raiden and dependencies

(env) $ pwd
(env) $ git clone
(env) $ cd raiden
(env) $ pip install pip-tools
(env) $ make install-dev

Launch a private network

Installing Geth

Follow the guide and install Geth. A command geth should be available in your shell. This guide assumes version 1.9.7, but other versions might work.

Preparing a genesis config

Prepare a file genesis.json with the following content (@offerm kindly allowed to use his file here).

(env) $ cd ..
(env) $ pwd
(env) $ cat genesis.json
"config": {
"chainId": 4321,
"homesteadBlock": 0,
"eip150Block": 0,
"eip155Block": 0,
"eip158Block": 0,
"ByzantiumBlock": 0
"alloc": {},
"difficulty" : "0x1",
"gasLimit"   : "0x9880000"

Starting a chain

With the genesis.json you can initialize a blockchain.

(env) $ pwd
(env) $ geth --datadir blkchain1 init genesis.json
(env) $ geth --rpc --datadir blkchain1 --networkid 4321 --rpcapi "eth,net,web3" console
> personal.newAccount()

Copy the shown address somewhere. And start mining on your own private blockchain.

> miner.start()

In this console geth should keep running.

Figure out the contract version

Open a new console, and load the Python environment.

$ pwd
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $

Figure out the value CONTRACTS_VERSION

(env) $ cd raiden
(env) $ grep 'CONTRACTS_VERSION = ' -r ../env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raiden_contracts ../env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raiden_contracts/ = "0.25.0"

Copy the shown version somewhere.

Define constants

The contract version will be used quite often, so let bash remember it (“0.25.1” is broken, so change the raiden version when you see “0.25.1”).

(env) $ export VERSION="0.25.0"

You will need your private key for the account you created.

(env) $ cd ..
(env) $ pwd
(env) $ export PRIV_KEY=./blkchain1/keystore/UTC-<use TAB-completion to fill in>

If the TAB-completion shows more than two files, something has gone wrong. In that case, back up all files and start over.

The biggest 256-bit unsigned int is a useful default as deposit limits and the max number of TokenNetwork contracts.

(env) $ export MAX_UINT256=115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935

The RPC connection point is used often.

(env) $ export PROVIDER=""

Deploy contracts

Now we can start deploying the Raiden smart contracts on the private chain.

(env) $ pwd
(env) $ python -m raiden_contracts.deploy raiden --rpc-provider $PROVIDER --private-key $PRIV_KEY --gas-price 10 --gas-limit 6000000 --contracts-version $VERSION --max-token-networks $MAX_UINT256
    "SecretRegistry": "0x6436d3B7205F18044a320403b1Cd0FfFd7e5D998",
    "TokenNetworkRegistry": "0xC5e4a9189ac801077317CD6BCFA643677897D15B"

We will use these addresses later, so let’s remember them.

(env) $ export TokenNetworkRegistry="0xC5e4a9189ac801077317CD6BCFA643677897D15B"
(env) $ export SecretRegistry="0x6436d3B7205F18044a320403b1Cd0FfFd7e5D998"

Before we deploy the other contracts, we need a token contract for service payments.

(env) $ python -m raiden_contracts.deploy token --rpc-provider $PROVIDER --private-key $PRIV_KEY --gas-price 10 --gas-limit 6000000 --token-supply 10000000000 --token-name ServiceToken --token-decimals 18 --token-symbol SVT --contracts-version $VERSION
   "CustomToken": "0xC5e9F7407359d1492d515C303A3aeDB434D3f0e1"

We use the address of this token to deploy service contracts.

(env) $ export SERVICE_TOKEN="0xC5e9F7407359d1492d515C303A3aeDB434D3f0e1"
(env) $ python -m raiden_contracts.deploy services --rpc-provider $PROVIDER --private-key $PRIV_KEY --gas-price 10 --gas-limit 6000000 --token-address $SERVICE_TOKEN --user-deposit-whole-limit $MAX_UINT256 --service-deposit-bump-numerator 5 --service-deposit-bump-denominator 4 --service-deposit-decay-constant 100000000 --initial-service-deposit-price 100000000000 --service-deposit-min-price 1000 --service-registration-duration 234000000 --contracts-version $VERSION --token-network-registry-address $TokenNetworkRegistry

From the output, we remember the address of the UserDeposit contract.

(env) $ export UserDeposit="0x50E5f50b98a78615163E89A65fD60D551933CaE2"

We deploy another Token contract that’s going to be transferred on Raiden network.

(env) $ python -m raiden_contracts.deploy token --rpc-provider $PROVIDER --private-key $PRIV_KEY --gas-price 10 --gas-limit 6000000 --token-supply 10000000000 --token-name Token --token-decimals 18 --token-symbol TKN --contracts-version $VERSION
    "CustomToken": "0x818cBB172D1a1b769acaA94e80e4c71ba40bdc79"

We register this token to the TokenNetworkRegistry.

(env) $ export TOKEN="0x818cBB172D1a1b769acaA94e80e4c71ba40bdc79"
(env) $ python -m raiden_contracts.deploy register --rpc-provider $PROVIDER --private-key $PRIV_KEY --gas-price 10 --gas-limit 6000000 --token-address $TOKEN --token-network-registry-address $TokenNetworkRegistry --contracts-version $VERSION --channel-participant-deposit-limit 10000000 --token-network-deposit-limit 1000000000

Start Raiden Client

In geth console, figure out the deployer’s address.

> web3.toChecksumAddress(eth.accounts[0])

Find the relevant contract addresses.

(env) $ export DeployerAddress="0x35ebA3Dc57D2A66D378638B19A7CEb194dc29eb6"

Store the password associated with the private key.

(env) $ echo "password" > passwd_file

And you can start the Raiden client:

(env) $ raiden --datadir exchange-a  --keystore-path   ./blkchain1/keystore/ --network-id 4321  --accept-disclaimer --address $DeployerAddress --rpc --api-address --web-ui  --environment-type development  --console --no-sync-check --accept-disclaimer --user-deposit-contract-address $UserDeposit --routing-mode private --password-file passwd_file