Manually depositing tokens to pay the services

To pay the services, you have to lock some of your Raiden tokens in the UserDeposit contract. In this section, we will briefly explain how it can be done manually so you are able to use Raiden.

All services that are registered in the service registry of a given network will use one shared instance of UserDeposit. You can obtain the address of the contract from<network>.json

where network is one of mainnet, ropsten, rinkeby or goerli.

As an example, suppose we want to run a Raiden node with address 0x3040435D7F1012e861f0B0989422a47D1825F120 on the mainnet and deposit 10 Raiden tokens (10**19 REI) for it to use. Here we use MetaMask to access our wallet and the contract interface of Etherscan to do the transactions. Of course, you can also use another service or your own Ethereum node.

We log into MetaMask with our account that holds the Raiden tokens (which should be a different account than the one we use with Raiden, as the latter is supposed to be used with Raiden only.) To find the UserDeposit contract, we take a look at deployment_services_mainnet.json:

    "contracts_version": null, "chain_id": 1,
    "UserDeposit": {
        "address": "0x53Cc1decDD7d452c8844a5f383e23AD479A1f614",

We can then look up the contract address on Etherscan, and use Etherscan’s “read/write contract” panels to interact with it. The Raiden token (RDN) can be searched by name on Etherscan, or we can look up its address in the UserDeposit contract’s token property. On the testnets, the token symbol is SVT (service token) rather than RDN and it may not be possible to find the token by name, but it can always be found in UserDeposit.token.

As usual with ERC-20 tokens, we need to call two contract functions:

approve(0x53Cc1decDD7d452c8844a5f383e23AD479A1f614, 10000000000000000000)

on the RDN (or SVT) token contract, to allow the UserDeposit contract to move the 10 RDN, and

deposit(0x3040435D7F1012e861f0B0989422a47D1825F120, 10000000000000000000)

on the UserDeposit contract.