Raiden on Private Network Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to run Raiden on a private network, using the master
branch (this is useful when you are working on a pull-request). This tutorial assumes Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS and bash
Creating a Virtual Environment
In a shell, run
$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
$ mkdir priv_chain
If mkdir
fails, choose a different name, or move the existing priv_chain
directory to somewhere else.
$ cd priv_chain
$ virtualenv -p python3.9 env
$ source env/bin/activate
You should now be in the virtual environment, where all Python package installations are separately managed.
Now the command prompt should look like:
(env) $
Install Raiden and dependencies
(env) $ pwd
(env) $ git clone
(env) $ cd raiden
(env) $ pip install pip-tools
(env) $ make install-dev
Launch a private network
Installing Geth
Follow the guide and install Geth. A command geth
should be available in your shell. This guide assumes version 1.10.6, but other versions might work.
Preparing a genesis config
Prepare a file genesis.json
with the following content.
(env) $ cd ..
(env) $ pwd
(env) $ cat genesis.json
"config": {
"chainId": 4321,
"homesteadBlock": 0,
"eip150Block": 0,
"eip155Block": 0,
"eip158Block": 0,
"ByzantiumBlock": 0,
"eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"ConstantinopleBlock": 0,
"PetersburgBlock": 0
"alloc": {},
"difficulty": "0x1",
"gasLimit": "0x9880000"
Starting a chain
With the genesis.json
you can initialize a blockchain.
(env) $ pwd
(env) $ geth --datadir blkchain1 init genesis.json
(env) $ geth --rpc --datadir blkchain1 --networkid 4321 --rpcapi "eth,net,web3" console
> personal.newAccount()
Copy the shown address somewhere and shutdown geth. And start mining on your own private blockchain using the following command so that geth creates a stable stream of blocks at regular intervals.
(env) $ geth --rpc --datadir blkchain1 --networkid 4321 --rpcapi "eth,net,web3" --allow-insecure-unlock --mine --miner.threads=1 --miner.etherbase=0xd4de892c06cf4a0557c7d515f79fd20b8356d6cf
In this console geth
should keep running.
In another console navigate to the priv_chain folder and an IPC connection can be established with geth using:
geth attach ipc:blkchain1/geth.ipc
Figure out the contract version
Open a new console, and load the Python environment.
$ pwd
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $
Figure out the value CONTRACTS_VERSION
(env) $ cd raiden
(env) $ grep 'CONTRACTS_VERSION = ' -r ../env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/raiden_contracts
../env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/raiden_contracts/ = "0.37.0"
Copy the shown version somewhere.
Define constants
The contract version will be used quite often, so let bash remember it.
(env) $ export VERSION="0.37.0"
You will need your private key for the account you created.
(env) $ cd ..
(env) $ pwd
(env) $ export PRIV_KEY=./blkchain1/keystore/UTC-<use TAB-completion to fill in>
If the TAB-completion shows more than two files, something has gone wrong. In that case, back up all files and start over.
The biggest 256-bit unsigned int is a useful default as deposit limits and the max number of TokenNetwork contracts.
(env) $ export MAX_UINT256=115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935
The RPC connection point is used often.
(env) $ export PROVIDER=""
Deploy contracts
Now we can start deploying the Raiden smart contracts on the private chain.
(env) $ pwd
(env) $ python -m raiden_contracts.deploy raiden --rpc-provider $PROVIDER --private-key $PRIV_KEY --gas-price 10 --gas-limit 6000000 --contracts-version $VERSION --max-token-networks $MAX_UINT256
"SecretRegistry": "0x6436d3B7205F18044a320403b1Cd0FfFd7e5D998",
"TokenNetworkRegistry": "0xC5e4a9189ac801077317CD6BCFA643677897D15B"
We will use these addresses later, so let’s remember them.
(env) $ export TokenNetworkRegistry="0xC5e4a9189ac801077317CD6BCFA643677897D15B"
(env) $ export SecretRegistry="0x6436d3B7205F18044a320403b1Cd0FfFd7e5D998"
Before we deploy the other contracts, we need a token contract for service payments.
(env) $ python -m raiden_contracts.deploy token --rpc-provider $PROVIDER --private-key $PRIV_KEY --gas-price 10 --gas-limit 6000000 --token-supply 10000000000 --token-name ServiceToken --token-decimals 18 --token-symbol SVT --contracts-version $VERSION
"CustomToken": "0xC5e9F7407359d1492d515C303A3aeDB434D3f0e1"
We use the address of this token to deploy service contracts.
First note down the address that you generated earlier on the geth console using:
> eth.accounts
Then deploy the service contracts
(env) $ export ServiceRegistryController="0xb97d3df9f9d112e1fe8f95f9608ffbd52e07a995"
(env) $ export SERVICE_TOKEN="0xC5e9F7407359d1492d515C303A3aeDB434D3f0e1"
(env) $ python -m raiden_contracts.deploy services --rpc-provider $PROVIDER --private-key $PRIV_KEY --gas-price 10 --gas-limit 6000000 --token-address $SERVICE_TOKEN --user-deposit-whole-limit $MAX_UINT256 --service-deposit-bump-numerator 5 --service-deposit-bump-denominator 4 --service-deposit-decay-constant 100000000 --initial-service-deposit-price 100000000000 --service-deposit-min-price 1000 --service-registration-duration 234000000 --contracts-version $VERSION --token-network-registry-address $TokenNetworkRegistry --service-registry-controller $ServiceRegistryController
From the output, we remember the address of the UserDeposit contract.
(env) $ export UserDeposit="0x50E5f50b98a78615163E89A65fD60D551933CaE2"
We deploy another Token contract that’s going to be transferred on Raiden network.
(env) $ python -m raiden_contracts.deploy token --rpc-provider $PROVIDER --private-key $PRIV_KEY --gas-price 10 --gas-limit 6000000 --token-supply 10000000000 --token-name Token --token-decimals 18 --token-symbol TKN --contracts-version $VERSION
"CustomToken": "0x818cBB172D1a1b769acaA94e80e4c71ba40bdc79"
We register this token to the TokenNetworkRegistry.
(env) $ export TOKEN="0x818cBB172D1a1b769acaA94e80e4c71ba40bdc79"
(env) $ python -m raiden_contracts.deploy register --rpc-provider $PROVIDER --private-key $PRIV_KEY --gas-price 10 --gas-limit 6000000 --token-address $TOKEN --token-network-registry-address $TokenNetworkRegistry --contracts-version $VERSION --channel-participant-deposit-limit 10000000 --token-network-deposit-limit 1000000000
Start Raiden Client
In geth
console, figure out the deployer’s address.
> web3.toChecksumAddress(eth.accounts[0])
Find the relevant contract addresses.
(env) $ export DeployerAddress="0x35ebA3Dc57D2A66D378638B19A7CEb194dc29eb6"
Store the password associated with the private key.
(env) $ echo "password" > passwd_file
And you can start the Raiden client:
(env) $ raiden --datadir exchange-a --keystore-path ./blkchain1/keystore/ --network-id 4321 --accept-disclaimer --address $DeployerAddress --rpc --api-address --web-ui --environment-type development --console --no-sync-check --accept-disclaimer --user-deposit-contract-address $UserDeposit --routing-mode private --password-file passwd_file